2020年经济学人 被时间遗忘的虫子(1)(在线收听

Far from the life-sustaining light of the sun, the deep sea floor appears barren and desolate.


Its appearance, however, belies a thriving bacterial ecosystem that may contain as much as 45% of the world's biomass of microbes.


This ecosystem is fuelled by what is known as marine snow—


a steady shower of small, nutrient-rich particles that fall like manna from the ocean layers near the surface, where photosynthesis takes place.


Not all of the snow is digestible, though. And the indigestible parts build up, layer upon layer, burying as they do so the bugs in the layer below.


To look at how well these bacteria survive entombment


a group of researchers led by Morono Yuki of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

由日本海洋地球科学技术厅的Morono Yuki

and Steven D'Hondt of the University of Rhode Island studied samples collected in 2010 by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Programme,

以及罗德岛大学的Steven D'Hondt所带领的研究团队研究了2010年综合大洋钻探计划收集的样本,

a decade-long international expedition of which they were part. Their results, just published in Nature Communications, are extraordinary.

该计划是一项长达十年的国际探险的一部分。他们的结果(刚发表于《Nature Communications》)非常了不起。

They seem to have brought back to life bacteria that have been dormant for over 100m years.


For many microbes, burial is an immediate death sentence. Some, however, are able to enter a state of dormancy—


slowing their metabolisms down almost, but not quite, to zero.


They can remain in this state for considerable periods. But precisely how long has been a subject of debate.


The samples Dr Morono and Dr D'Hondt chose for examination came from a place in the Pacific Ocean


where the sea bed is nearly 6,000 metres below the surface. That made drilling a challenge.


But the expedition was able to recover sediment cores stretching all the way down to the underlying rock—a thickness of 100 metres in some cases.


The oldest material in these cores dated back 101.5m years, to the middle of the Cretaceous period, the heyday, on land, of the dinosaurs.


Examination of the sediments showed that even the oldest still contained a few bacteria.


The question was, were these organisms dead or alive? To find out, the researchers incubated the samples,


slowly feeding them compounds rich in carbon and nitrogen in order to coax any still-living microbes out of their dormancy.

