澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚校园性骚扰现象猖獗 白宫通讯主任任职10天即被免职(在线收听

Hello, Jason Om with the latest headlines from ABC News.


More than half of the thirty thousand university students surveyed across Australia were sexually harassed last year. That's according to a study conducted by the Human Rights Commission which found the worst rates of offending were at some of our most prestigious universities.


White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci has been fired just 10 days into the job. Donald Trump sacked the former Wall Street financier after the foul-mouthed tirade he unleashed on his collegues. The decision was made by the president’s new chief of staff, general John Kelly, who was sworn in on Monday.


China's president Xi Jinping has warned his military will defeat all those who dare to offend his country. Analysts believe the warning is aimed at India with the two Asian nations locked in a territorial dispute in the Himalayas. Neither side is willing to withdraw troops from the region.


And in the AFL, Patrick Dangerfield's hopes of claiming a second consecutive Brownlow medal have been dashed after he accepted a one-match ban for a dangerous tackle. The ban was handed down yesterday for his tackle on Carlton ruckman Matthew Kreuzer that left the Blues player with a concussion.


Those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

