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The latest headlines from ABC News.


A 20 year old man has been charged with murder in the US after a car was deliberately driven into a crowd of anti-racism protesters in Charlottesville, killing a 32-year-old woman and injuring at least 19 others. Local politicians have condemned the violence. President Donald Trump has been criticised for failing to call out white supremacists.


There are fears up to 100 people have been killed in post election violence in Kenya with deadly clashes in the capital Nairobi. Police have been engaged in running battles with protestors demanding president Uhuru Kenyatta step down after Tuesday's disputed election result.


For the first time, an aboriginal group has started charging cruise ship passengers to visit popular coastal spots in Western Australia's north. Many in the industry welcome the move but some are concerned the extra cost might frighten away the tourists.


And in the NRL, the Titans will sit down with coach Neil Henry and star fullback Jarryd Hayne this week to try and resolve the stoush between the pair. Hayne will reportedly walk away from his contract on the Gold Coast if Henry no longer wants him in his team. He also says the coach hasn't spoken to him since the Titans 54-point NRL loss to the Broncos last week.

