澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美国因飓风艾玛现史上最大规模撤离 朝鲜庆祝建国69周年(在线收听

Hello, Neena Mairata with the latest headlines from ABC News.


Hurricane force winds are lashing Florida's southern most islands with Irma expected to hit the mainland in the coming hours. The storm has gathered strength and is now a category 4. In what's now the biggest evacuation in US history millions have been told to leave their homes and those that remain are under a strict curfew.


Opposition leader Bill Shorten has given credit to the prime minister for publicly supporting the 'yes' vote in the same-sex marriage postal survey but says politicians won't be the ones who make the campaign a success. Malcolm Turnbull laid out the case for allowing same sex marriage during a liberal and national party rally in Sydney.


North Korea has marked the 69th anniversary of the country's founding with a celebration for the military's top brass. Leader Kim Jong Un hosted a gala event in the capital pyongyang to congratulate the scientists and technicians behind the country's nuclear test last week.


And in the NRL, Cronulla and North Queensland have played out a nail-biter in the sudden death final in Sydney. The scores were locked at 14 all at fulltime but in extra time the Cowboys scored a field goal early and were able to hang on to win.

