澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳机场工作人员将接受爆炸物抽检 5名美国在世前总统齐聚赈灾义演(在线收听

The top stories on ABC News.


The federal transport minister Darren Chester says the government has received top expert advice on its new airport security plan, and that random screenings of airport workers for explosives is a sufficient measure. Senator Nick Xenophon says it doesn't make sense to perform mandatory tests on pilots, but not on other critical workers like tarmac crew, baggage handlers and caterers.


A body-boarder has died at Fingal Head in far north New South Wales. The 20 year old lost his board, and tried to exit the water by climbing on rocks, but was washed off and disappeared just a few moments later. His body was found 2 hours later.


The shooting death of Australian teacher Gabrielle Maina in Kenya, may have been a targeted attack. Her lawer says the angle of the bullet wound and marks on her skin suggest she may have been forced to kneel on the road before she was shot. The attack happened Thursday, while she was walking down the street in an affluent suburb of the capital Nairobi.


And all 5 living former US presidents have put politics aside, to raise money for hurricane victims. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, father and son Bush, and Jimmy Carter were shoulder to shoulder at the One America Appeal concert in Texas. Lady Gaga and Lyle Lovett were among the performers.

