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The top stories from ABC News.


After weeks of speculation, Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has called an election. Ms Palaszczuk this morning asked the acting governor to dissolve parliament and call an election for November 25th. It followed her move on Friday to dis-endorse the member for Pumicestone, Rick Williams, over a complaint that he threatened a local constituent.


Labor says it would be "outrageous" to change the constitution over citizenship concerns. On Friday, the high court ruled five politicians had fallen foul of the constitution because they held dual citizenship. The prime minister has referred the ruling to a parliamentary committee, to determine if changes to the constitution need to be made.


Thousands of protesters in Madrid have called for a united Spain after the Catalonia region was stripped of its autonomy. The show of support for Spain's central government comes as the country is gripped by a constitutional crisis sparked by Catalonia's independence referendum. Spain's central government has ordered fresh regional elections for December.


And in England the city of Oxford is planning to become the first major centre in the world with a zero emissions zone. Petrol and diesel cars, taxis and trucks, will be phased out from 2020 in favour of electric vehicles.

