美联社新闻一分钟 AP 印度疫情严重程度仅次于美国、巴西(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


President Trump's campaign is suing two Iowa counties, to try to invalidate tens of thousands of voter absentee ballot applications. Trump admitted in an interview that he's keeping funds from the Postal Service, to make it harder to process mail-in election ballots in November.


India is now reporting 48,000 coronavirus deaths, more than any country other than the United States and Brazil. India also reported more than two million COVID-19 cases, but the majority of those people have recovered.


Texas says it has fewer than 7,000 hospitalized coronavirus patients, for the first time in six weeks. However, state health officials are worried that not enough people who don't have symptoms are getting tested.


Several more wildfires broke out in Southern California as the region deals with a fierce heatwave.

