英国新闻听力 德国大众收购保时捷(在线收听

The German car giant Volkswagen has unveiled plans to take control of the German sports car firm Porsche. The move follows an abortive bid by Porsche to take over its lager rival who left it crippled with debts. The specialist high-performance Porsche brand will retain its separate identity but under the overall control of Volkswagen. The chief executive officer of Volkswagen Martin Winterkon said the combination of the two firms will be a strong one.

"The industrial logic is of course that both company fit together in an excellent way. They complement one another with individual products in an excellent way and more important of course is our common know-how of people of engineering who takes us further forward, so that we can be more successful in the global markets than today".

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation has arrested 44 people including rabbis and city mayors as part of a massive corruption case in the state of New Jersey. The arrests were part of a ten-year investigation which uncovered illegal activity ranging from money laundering to kidney trafficking, in the US, Israel and Switzerland. A special agent in charge of the Newark FBI office Weysan Dun described those who he said use politics and religion to hide their criminal activity.

"The people that we have arrested today include mayors, deputy mayors, New Jersey State assemblymen, city councilmen, city council candidates, and a variety of other public officials ranging from commissioners to regulatory inspectors and of course a number of rabbis from the Jewish community.

Share prices in the United States have closed at their highest level for eight months. The Dow Jones index in New York closed up nearly 200 points at 9069. Carryland Hevcurf has more from New York.

Despite a deep US recession, some companies are holding up, boosting investor confidence and the value of shares. Earning results from auction website Ebay, Ford Motor Company, telecoms firm AT&T and manufacturing giant 3M showed /that/ the companies fared better than expected in the last three months, even if revenues were mainly lower. But the situation remains precarious. After the market closed, Microsoft announced a slumping profits and demand for PCs with Amazon suffering similarly difficult times.

The first televised debate between candidates for the presidency has been broadcast in Afghanistan. The broadcast began 20 minutes late and with the leading candidate missing. The incumbent Hamid Karzai declined to take part. The spokesman for him said the debate on the private station Tolo TV would be biased. President Karzai's two main opponents Abdullah Abullah, Ashraf Ghani took part and the broadcast showed an empty lectern where Mr. Karzai would have stood.

A US intelligence official has said that one of the Osama Bin Laden's sons was probably killed by an American missile strike in Pakistan earlier this year. The official who spoke on condition of anonymity said agents were 85% certain that Sa'ad Bin Laden was killed by chance in an attack by a drone, although he had not been specifically targeted and was not a senior al-Qaeda figure.

The American Vice President Joe Biden has renewed Washington’s support for Georgia and its aspiration to join the NATO alliance. Addressing the Georgian Parliament in Tbilisi, Mr. Biden said the improved ties with Russia sought by the Obama administration would not be at Georgia's expense. Before Mr. Biden's address, Russian warned it would take concrete steps to stop Georgia rearming.

The Netherlands has returned to Ghana the bottled head of the king who was executed by Dutch colonists in 1838 and kept in the museum for many years. The head was presented to members of King Badu Bonsu II’s tribe who traveled to the Netherlands from Ghana. Dutch author Arther Japin came across it while researching a book. He told the BBC how the deal of return of the head was made.

"Ghana asked for the head back from the Dutch government and still Leiden University wasn't willing to give it up so it was a bit of struggle to get it. But finally our Minister of Culture said no, it has to go back. So yesterday 10 African Kings came to the Netherlands and today they were given the head then tomorrow they will, they will bring him back home."

The French Prime Minister Francois Fillon has criticized the army after tracer bullets fired in the military base set off a huge fire in the countryside near Marseilles of southeast. Hundreds of people had to leave their homes. Mr. Fillon said the use of such ammunition was forbidden in wildlife-prone regions and the incident was blamed to an unforgivable professional error.

德国汽车巨头大众披露控制德国跑车公司保时捷的计划。此前保时捷试图收购比它大大竞争对手,但是计划流产,并导致自己负债累累。专业化高性能的保时捷品牌将保持自己的独特身份,但是将完全由大众控制。大众汽车首席执行官马丁·文德恩(Martin Winterkorn)说,两家公司并购将成为更强大的公司。


美国联邦调查局在新泽西州特大腐败案中逮捕了44人,包括法学博士和市长。历时十年的调查披露了美国,以色列和瑞士从洗钱到肾交易等非法活动,拘捕是这项调查的一部分。负责纽瓦克FBI办公室的特工人员Weysan Du称,那些犯罪嫌疑人利用政治和宗教来隐藏其犯罪行为。


美国股票收盘价格达到八个月来最高水平。纽约道琼斯指数上涨接近200点,达到9096。Carryland Hevcurf从纽约发回更多报道。


阿富汗总统选举候选人之间的第一场电视辩论赛已经播出。该广播迟播20分钟,而且主要的候选人失踪。在职总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊拒绝参加。卡尔扎伊的发言人说,在私人电视台Tolo TV举行的辩论可能是有偏见的。卡尔扎伊的两个竞争对手Abdullah Abullah和Ashraf Ghani参加了辩论,广播展示了原本属于卡尔扎伊的虚空的辩论台。

美国情报官员称,本·拉登一个儿子可能在今年年初美军在巴基斯坦的导弹袭击中死亡。这位匿名官员称,特工人员85%确认Sa'ad Bin Laden被导弹偶然击中,尽管他并不是美军袭击的主要目标,也不是基地组织重要人物。


迦纳一名国王在1838年被荷兰殖民者处决,多年来将其头颅保存在博物馆中。现在,荷兰将其归还给迦纳。其头颅被交还给由迦纳赶赴荷兰的部落成员。荷兰作家Arther Japin在研究一本书时偶然发现。他对BBC讲述了归还头颅交易达成的过程。


