澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 特朗普前私人律师承认在"通俄门"调查中作伪证(在线收听

Queensland firefighters have worked through the night battling over a hundred fires across the state. There are still major concerns for the fire burning at Deepwater, north-east of Brisbane. A "Leave Now" alert remains in place in Deepwater, Baffle Creek, Rules Beach and Oyster Creek. Residents who've already evacuated are being told they can't yet return.

澳大利亚昆士兰州消防员彻夜工作,以对抗该州各地发生的上百起火灾。深水区位于布里斯班东北部,该地的火灾仍是大家的重点关切。目前,深水区、巴弗尔溪、诺诗海滩和Oyster Creek等地发布的“立即离开”警报仍然有效。有关部门告知已经撤离的居民,他们现在还不能返回家园。

Donald Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, has pleaded guilty to lying to Congress over the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Mr Cohen unexpectedly appeared at the federal court in Manhattan, where he admitted to misleading lawmakers about a Trump real estate project in Russia. But the president maintains he has done nothing wrong.


And former ABC heads Michelle Guthrie and Justin Milne will today front a parliamentary hearing over allegations of political interference in the public broadcaster. Ms Guthrie is taking legal action after she was sacked by the ABC board in late September. She has reportedly received a payout of more than 800, 000 dollars. Mr Milne resigned shortly afterwards in the face of allegations of political interference.

