澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美媒曝特朗普为俄罗斯政府工作 特朗普称这是极大的侮辱(在线收听

Australia is set to swelter this week with a severe heatwave forecast for every state and territory. Extreme temperatures are forecast for parts of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and WA. Some towns in South Australia are expected to reach a staggering 48 degrees. The severe heatwave is expected to hit Tasmania where crews have been fighting a blaze for more than two weeks.


The federal agriculture minister David Littleproud has called an urgent meeting, in the wake of millions of fish deaths in far-west New South Wales. The fish were found dead along a 40-kilometre stretch of the Darling river near Broken Hill last week, with the New South Wales government blaming it on an outbreak of toxic blue green algae. The state government says high temperatures forecast for this week could lead to more deaths.


US president Donald Trump says being asked whether he's ever worked for Russia is the most insulting question he's ever received. US media has revealed law enforcement officials began investigating the possibility that the president was acting as a Russian agent. But president Trump the reports are baseless.


"This is the most insulting thing I've ever been asked. I think this is the most insulting article I've ever had read. And if you read the article, you see that they found absolutely nothing."

