澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) FBI前代理局长爆料称曾讨论过罢免特朗普(在线收听

The former acting head of the FBI says conversations took place about using the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution to remove Donald Trump from office. Andrew McCabe, who was fired from the Trump administration, made the extraordinary revelations in an interview with US network CBS. Mr McCabe has also suggested that a senior official offered to wear a wire while around the president.


Pauline Hanson's chief of staff James Ashby is demanding a fair hearing, before any further disciplinary action over a brawl in parliament. Senate president Scott Ryan revoked Mr Ashby's security pass following an altercation between him and former One Nation senator Brian Burston. Mr Ashby says he accepts action taken, but is seeking a thorough investigation into claims made against both senator Burston and the One Nation leader.


Senator Michaelia Cash is expected to give evidence to the federal court this morning about raids on the offices of the Australian Workers Union in 2017. A civil trial is underway in Melbourne in which the union is seeking to shut down an investigation by the Registered Organisations Commission into donations the AWU made to activist group Getup! The court has heard information was leaked to the media about the raids by staffers working for senator Cash and the-then Justice minister Michael Keenan.

