新奇事件簿 网上购物成瘾是一种精神疾病(在线收听

The advent of the Internet has brought with it the convenience of shopping at our leisure in the comfort of our own home. However, for many, the allure of shopping for bargains and treats can turn into an addiction. Experts believe there is a danger that online shopping can develop into a mental illness. Researchers from the Hannover Medical School in Germany have termed it "Buying Shopping Disorder" (BSD). The researchers say this condition should be recognized by the medical profession as an illness and should not simply be classed as one of various "impulse control" disorders. Psychotherapist Dr Astrid Müller said: "It really is time to...accumulate further knowledge about BSD on the Internet."

互联网的出现让我们能够在舒适的家中休息时享受购物的便利。但是,对于很多人而言,购买便宜货和美食的诱惑会变成一种瘾。专家认为网上购物有发展成一种精神疾病的危险。德国汉诺威医学院研究人员称之为“购物障碍”(BSD)。研究人员表示这种情况应该被医学界视为一种疾病且不应简单地将之归类为各种“冲动控制”障碍之一。精神治疗师Astrid Muller表示:“真的是时候进一步积累关于互联网BSD的知识了。”

Dr Müller and her colleagues conducted research on data from earlier studies on compulsive shopping. Their research focused on 122 patients who sought treatment for BSD. Dr Müller reported that about five per cent of the population may be suffering from BSD. She added that younger people are more prone to developing it and experienced greater levels of anxiety and depression. People with BSD readily exhibit negative behaviors. These include spending excessive amounts of money on things they don't need, hoarding and never using things they order, buying things for the sake of instant gratification, and ending up in debt. BSD can destroy marriages, relationships and mental health.

