
“A few months later,” says Wu, “I was like, Well, let me just let him know how much I would put into the role.” She sent Chu an impassioned email, which went something like, “No hard feelings, obviously, if you still need to shoot in the fall. But if you can wait to shoot, I would be so excited to be a part of this.” (Chu recalls another line: “If I didn’t write this email, I’d regret it for the rest of my life.”) He immediately pushed the shoot three months. “I just knew it was meant to be,” he says.


Only box office will tell if Crazy Rich Asians will provide a springboard to more leading parts for Asian-Americans. But Wu is heartened by the alternative platforms offering more Asian-American content, including Netflix having great success with Aziz Ansari’s Master of None, as well as YouTube, which hosts web series like “Yappie,” from Wong Fu Productions.


“Asian-Americans are not waiting around for permission; they are making their own content,” says Wu. “We don’t need to worry about the Hollywood gates, because we’re now making our own.”

