澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 武汉在院新冠肺炎患者清零 新西兰宣布"战胜"疫情(在线收听

The coronavirus pandemic has passed a grim milestone overnight, with more than three million cases confirmed around the world. Back home new infection rates are falling with several states recording no new cases in the past 24-hours. It's prompted continued easing of some restrictions, with the country's most famous beach, Bondi, re-opening to swimming and surfing this morning. And more than two million people have now downloaded the government's coronavirus tracing app, just over a day since it was launched.


Two hundred and eight thousand people have now died from COVID-19. The US makes up almost one third of the world's three million cases. And Russia has overtaken China in confirmed cases, as its tally climbs above 87-thousand. Meanwhile a milestone has been reached where the pandemic began. The last recovered coronavirus patient has now been discharged from a hospital in the Chinese city of Wuhan.


Thousands of New Zealanders will return to work today as some of the toughest coronavirus restrictions in the world are eased. The move comes as the country declares it has stopped community transmission of COVID-19, effectively eliminating the virus. As of today businesses that can operate with social distancing in place are allowed to have their employees back at work — but shops and restaurants must stay closed.

