
Hertling, commanding general of the U.S. Army in Europe before retiring in 2012, also thinks a Nixon coup scenario by Trump is far-fetched. “The military takes an oath to defend the Constitution, not the percentage of people supporting the president,” he says. “I don’t know of any (general) who would violate the law, the Constitution and their oath to support such an order from the president.”


Trump could expect even less sympathy, much less support, from military leaders who have questioned—privately, of course—his fitness for leadership. Departing White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, has called Trump “unhinged,” according to the Bob Woodward book Fear, which included outgoing Defense Secretary James Mattis, another Marine general, saying the president had the intellect of “a fifth- or sixth-grader.” In his final address as national security adviser in April, with Trump in the audience, Army General H.R. McMaster deplored “those who glamorize and apologize in the service of communist, authoritarian and -repressive governments.”


Forced into a corner, Trump may well—like the dictators he so envies—secretly welcome violent uprisings by his devotees. In addition to his inciting remarks after the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, resulted in the death of a counterprotester by a white supremacist (“There are very fine people on both sides”), he blamed the media “for the anger we see today in our society” when an outspoken Trump zealot assaulted a Pittsburgh synagogue killing 11 and wounding six. Even more ominously, he rejected the CIA’s report pinning the killing and dismemberment of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi on Saudi Crown Prince -Mohammed bin -Salman. (“Maybe he did and -maybe he didn’t!”)“How much further might he go in 2020, when his own name is on the ballot—or sooner than that, if he’s facing impeachment by a House -under Democratic control?” Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Brennan Center for Justice’s Liberty and National Security Program, wrote in The Atlantic. He could declare -another “national emergency,” like he did with the Central American caravan in Mexico, she wrote, “a decision that is entirely within his discretion.”

被迫躲在角落里的特朗普很可能很喜欢他所嫉妒的独裁者——秘密地欢迎他的支持者发动暴力起义。他在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔的“团结右翼”集会上发表了煽动言论,导致一名反抗议者被一名白人至上主义者杀害(“双方都是非常优秀的人”),一名直言不讳的特朗普狂热分子袭击了匹兹堡的一座犹太教堂,造成11人死亡,6人受伤。更糟糕的是,他拒绝接受中央情报局将《华盛顿邮报》专栏作家哈苏吉的死亡和肢解归咎于沙特王储萨勒曼的报告。(“也许他做了,也许他没有!”)“2020年,当特朗普的名字出现在选票上的时候,或者在民主党控制的众议院弹劾下,他还能走多远? ”布伦南司法中心自由与国家安全项目的联合主任伊丽莎白·戈伊坦在《大西洋月刊》上写道。她写道,他可以宣布——又一个“国家紧急状态”,就像他对墨西哥的中美洲商队所做的那样,“这完全是他自己的决定。”
