美联社新闻一分钟 AP 佩洛西推动弹劾特朗普给彭斯下通牒(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the House will move forward with legislation to impeach President Trump, following the US Capitol riot. Pelosi is also urging vice president Mike Pence to use his constitutional authority to push Trump out of office. At least two republican Senators say Trump should resign.

众议院议长南希·佩洛西表示,在美国国会发生骚乱后,众议院将通过立法弹劾特朗普总统。佩洛西还敦促副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)利用宪法赋予的权力把特朗普赶下台。至少有两名共和党参议员认为特朗普应该辞职。

At least 90 people have been arrested in connection with the Capitol riots. Charges involve curfew violations, assaults on police officers, weapons violations and death threats against Speaker Pelosi.


Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is calling for increased security around President-elect Joe Biden's January 20th inauguration. She asked the Homeland Security Department for a security period that would end on January 24th.


The number of coronavirus cases worldwide has now topped 90 million. A John Hopkins University tally finds about half of those cases have happened since October.

