澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 悉尼一家酒吧发现多例新冠肺炎确诊病例(在线收听

More than a thousand people have been told to get tested for coronavirus, after nine COVID-19 cases were linked to a pub in south-west Sydney. All patrons who visited the Crossroads Hotel between the 3rd and the 10th of July are being told to get tested and self-isolate for 14 days.


Parents of kids in prep to year ten are facing the prospect of at least six more weeks of remote learning, as Victoria tries to control more than one hundred COVID-19 outbreaks. Year 11 and 12 students, specialist schools and those outside the restricted areas will return to the classroom today.


The federal government is rolling out a second round of cash stimulus payments today, as the nation struggles to deal with a wave of new coronavirus outbreaks. About five million Australians, including pensioners, people on disability support and low-income earners will start seeing the 750 dollar payments in their bank account.


A baby girl has died in a house fire in the Macarthur region south west of Sydney. The body of the five month old was found inside the Bargo property, after fire crews were called overnight. Paramedics treated a 79-year-old woman and 57-year-old man for smoke inhalation and lacerations.


And wild weather is on the way for parts of New South Wales, with the state's south coast expected to receive a drenching today. The bureau of meterology says up to 100 milimetres of rain is expected to fall in some areas, with strong winds to hit by Tuesday.

