新闻周刊:彭斯负责美国抗击病毒角色遭质疑 此前政策曾导致艾滋病病毒爆发(2)(在线收听

"Here's the kicker about Mike Pence enabling the worst HIV outbreak in the history of Indiana," tweeted Human Rights Campaign rapid response press secretary Charlotte Clymer, "it was all because he wanted to shut down Planned Parenthood, which were leading HIV testing centers in the state. Mike Pence's distrust of women led to an HIV outbreak. No joke."


"As Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence was so slow to start a clean needle exchange for IV drug abusers that by the time he finally did it, up to 215 people were infected with HIV in a population of just 24,000 people in Scott County," wrote physician Eugene Gu. "Trump naming him Coronavirus Czar is ludicrous."


Co-creator of The Daily Show Lizz Winstead tweeted, "Trump put Mike Pence in charge of cornonavirus response. Pence said prayer should be how Indiana should control its HIV out break in Indiana when he was governor, and also believes you can reverse your abortion. #coronavirus"


"I have so much faith in the medical and scientific genius of Mike Pence," tweeted musician John Lurie, "I am going into every building in NYC and licking the floor buttons on every elevator. Something I hear is fun to do but never got around to doing."


Pence's views on health care have proven controversial in the past. As Indiana governor in March 2016, Pence signed a bill banning abortion if the fetus was determined to be abnormal. At the time, Pence released a statement calling the bill a "comprehensive pro-life measure that affirms the value of all human life."


But the head of Planned Parenthood of Indiana Betty Cockrum disagreed with Pence's assessment.


"It is clear the governor is more comfortable practicing medicine without a license that behaving “like” a responsible lawyer," Cockrum said in a statement, "as he picks and chooses which constitutional rights are appropriate."

