NBC晚间新闻 美国棒球员帮助非洲年轻女孩(在线收听

On the mound Detroit Tigers pitcher Matthew Boyd is as focused as they come. But it's away from the ballpark where he and wife Ashley focus much love and compassion. I'll do whatever it takes to help any child that I can. When they heard of the plight of young girls in Uganda facing the scourge of sex trafficking, they set up this remarkable refuge called Kingdom home, half a world away in Africa. Just seeing them playing, singing, dancing, going to school, doing homework.

You know, living as every child should and safety and it's pretty cool. Many of the fifty-eighth in their care were abandoned as infants, left to fend for themselves. Vulnerable. Does it break your heart to hear those kinds of stories? It does. It does. But focus on the future. Focus on what is what lies ahead. They're living with joy as every child should. Joy that sometimes includes playing America's favorite pastime. Meanwhile the Boyd family continues to grow stateside too - expecting their second child this summer. We have lots of children that we love. Yes. Every single one of them? Yes we love them all. These smiles. This happiness. Better than a no-hitter in any book.

