澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳维多利亚州医院爆发聚集性疫情 美国骚乱致两名抗议者遭枪杀(在线收听

The Morrison government is moving to introduce sweeping new laws, which would give it the power to block deals involving foreign nations, in a major flexing of its constitutional powers. The commonwealth's pushing to regulate all agreements that state, territory and local governments, and universities, make with other countries. Under the bill, the foreign minister would have the power to terminate existing agreements, including Victoria's controversial Belt and Road deal with China.


There's concern this morning about a major COVID-19 outbreak at a Victorian hospital, which has forced more than 600 staff into quarantine, and closed wards. Frankston Hospital, south east of Melbourne has had to isolate 618 health workers, as it battles the state's largest hospital cluster. Victoria has recorded its second deadliest day of the pandemic, with 24 deaths.


And new cases are continuing to emerge in New South Wales, with a public health alert issued late yesterday for a gym at Zetland in Sydney's east. It's also been revealed a positive COVID-19 case visited the Royal Hospital for Women at Randwick. In another case — a trainee bus driver — worked for three days while infectious in the city's western suburbs.


US authorities are bracing for a fourth night of riots in the city of Kenosha as protests escalate over the police shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake. Two people were shot dead during yesterday's unrest, in what's described as a vigilante attack against protesters. Jacob Blake remains in hospital and is said to be paralysed from the waist down.

