澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 英国开始接种新冠疫苗 首批接种对象确定(在线收听

After eight months, Western Australia is finally open to travellers from New South Wales and Victoria. There had been last minute concerns the plan to lift the so-called hard border restrictions at midnight could be put on hold after a worker at one of Sydney's quarantine hotels contracted the virus, but premier Mark McGowan says the advice from WA's chief health officer is that there is minimal risk.

Hot, dry and windy weather is expected to hinder ongoing fire fighting efforts on Fraser Island today. Queensland fire and emergency services crews managed to save the township of Happy Valley from a bushfire that came very close to tearing through the small community yesterday afternoon. But, Watch and Act alerts are still in place for several parts of the island.

Britain will begin administering the first doses of the Pfizer-Biontech coronavirus vaccine is later today. About 800,000 inoculations are expected to be available within the first week, with UK ordering enough to vaccinate 20 million people. Those aged over the age of 80, healthcare workers and carers will be first in line to receive the vaccine.

And South Australia's revamped hotel quarantine system is set for its first big test with international travellers set to land in Adelaide again. Overseas flights were paused due to the recent parafield outbreak, despite promising a dedicated facility. Government says any confirmed coronavirus patients will be taken to two floors at a Medi-Hotel in central Adelaide as an interim measure.


预计高温、干燥和大风天气将阻碍弗雷泽岛目前正在进行的灭火工作。昨天下午,昆士兰州消防和紧急服务人员成功将Happy Valley镇从一场森林大火中拯救出来,这场大火几乎摧毁了这个小社区。但是,岛上多个地方仍处于“观察和行动”警戒级别。


