
Eric Schurenberg is the managing editor of money magazine in this August issue, in which this quiz appears, you are here to tell us what we might find. Why is it so important to come up with your money personality type?

Eric Schurenberg: Well, you know because people are just not rational about their money, you can't just say well you are always gonna do the smart thing because you'll think it through, instead the way you handle money is governed by behavior patterns, by your irrational thought, by your emotions, as so knowing the kind of prejudices that you go into money decisions with will help you make the right decisions, and avoid the same old mistakes.

Ok, so after you take this quiz, you should find out if you're a guardian, that's, this discipline is the key to security, is guardian the best thing to be?

Well, It's the one that most people are, most Americans are, is it the best thing to be. Well,you know, like all money types, there are good types and bad types. You have a lot of self-discipline if you're a guardian, ohh, financial security matters a lot to you, on the other hand, you are likely to be a little too conservative , and make choices that don't get you sometimes you have to take risks in the market to get ahead.


And if you get mostly Cs , if your answer are mostly Cs to our short pop quiz there, you are a guardian. On to the next one, the next personality type is an idealist, I think that's probably what I am, because money just isn't the top priority .

That's right, you are more concerned with helping other people, and that's a good thing too for lots of reason, and doing fun stuff matters a lot too. But you know that's a good thing , it' also a good financial thing, because if you are not that concerned about money you are not chasing every squiggle of the stock market, and making decisions based on really short term thing; on the other hand if you don't have a financial plan , you may not reach your goals, so something you wanna pay attention to.

OK! So, if your answer are mostly Bs, you are an idealist. ok what's next, Brian? I couldn't hear you: Artisans, this is interesting, Artisans, which I wouldn't figure to be a money personality type , so if your answers are mostly As, you are an artisan , what's an artisan?

Artisans are people who are...they're willing to take risks, they go on gut instinct a lot. That’s a pretty good thing too. Sometimes you can, if you are willing to take risk, you buy a lot of stocks, and that sort of thing, you do...it works out for you in the long-run, on the other hand, artisans are not the type to do a series of long term financial plan, and so sometimes they have to put things into place like automatic savings plans so that they get that kind of a regular financial planning thing going.

Ok, Rational, what Chad?

If you said A to one of those questions, that was the one that said you strongly agree that financial advisors, you know, are great or whatever the quest of term was, right?

I think so , I can't remember though, but good point, Eric saying you are right, Chad, Chad's always right, isn't he?and it kind of makes me nauseated .

If your answers are mostly Ds, you are a rational personality money type. That seems to me the best way to be.

Well, it has its strengthes and it has its weaknesses too. Rationals believe cool reason prevails and it means that you take a lot of satisfaction out of putting complex financial plans into place. That's a good thing for obvious reasons. The bad side is that you tend to think that you can outsmart the market, and the market is not a rational place, so soon that can get you into trouble.

Eric Schurenberg from the Money magazine, thank you so much. If you wanna know more, if you wanna take this quiz, it's in Money magazine and the August issue. And you can learn a lot about yourself and possibly make yourself some money too.
