美联社新闻一分钟 AP 约四分之一美国人称不会接种新冠疫苗(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


COVID-19 vaccines face a big partisan gap, according to a new Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll. 17% of Democrats said they probably or definitely will not get the shot. For Republicans, that number is 42%.


President Biden promotes his massive COVID rescue plan in suburban Philadelphia on Tuesday. Vice President Kamala Harris visited a COVID-19 vaccination site in Las Vegas on Monday.

拜登总统周二在费城郊区宣传他的大规模新冠肺炎救援计划。副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)周一参观了拉斯维加斯的新冠肺炎疫苗接种点。

Two men are under arrest, accused of assaulting Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick with bear spray during the January 6th Capitol riot. Charges include assaulting a federal officer with a dangerous weapon. It is not known if the bear spray caused Sicknick's death.

两名男子被捕,他们被控在1月6日国会暴乱期间用熊喷雾剂袭击国会警察布莱恩·斯克尼克(Brian Sicknick)。指控包括使用危险武器袭击联邦官员。目前还不清楚熊喷雾剂是否是斯克尼克死亡的直接原因。

Video from Denver shows people digging their cars out of snow-covered roads and highways. A late winter storm dropped up to three feet of snow on parts of Colorado and Wyoming.

