托福听力荟萃 25(在线收听

Some of you may be familiar with the Apollo programs geological studies of the

moon during the 1960s. But you may not be aware of the _______research

that ______ those studies. The work of two early researchers was very

important in determining the nature of the surface of the moon. Back in 1892, a

geologist named Carlos Gilbert was challenging the prevailing views about the

lunar surfaces. At that time most scientists thought the ______ on the moon had

been created by volcanic action. Gilbert made some careful ______ studies.

There were no spacecrafts back then, so telescopes were the best way to

observe the moon. It concluded that the lunar crater is so uniform that they had

to be the result of impact of falling bodies such as meteorites. I posted the

enlargements just some of the drawings on the board. If you compare them to

those in your text, you can see that his are amazingly accurate. Still, his

contemporaries ______ his work. 50 years later, a graduate student named

Wolf Baldwin reasserted Gilbert's species. He too met with resistance and he

left academics to run his family's machinery business. But he didn't give up his

research. He worked alone in his spare time, and eventually wrote an

influential book called "the face of the moon". A young geologist who read it

was so inspired that he persuaded NASA to incorporate geology into the Apollo

missions. Well, the Apollo missions eventually confirmed most of Baldwin's

ideas, which is astonishing, considering that he wasn't a professional scientis.




extensive adj. 广泛的;大量的;广阔的

precedevt. 领先,在…之前;优于,高于 vi. 领先,在前面

crater n. 火山口;弹坑

telescopic adj. 望远镜的;[眼科] 远视的;套管式伸缩的;眼力好的;有先见之明的

rejected v. 拒绝,驳回(reject的过去分词形式)adj. 被拒的;不合格的


Some of you may be familiar with the Apollo programs geological studies of the

moon during the 1960s. But you may not be aware of the extensive research

that preceded those studies. The work of two early researchers was very

important in determining the nature of the surface of the moon. Back in 1892, a

geologist named Carlos Gilbert was challenging the prevailing views about the

lunar surfaces. At that time most scientists thought the crater on the moon had

been created by volcanic action. Gilbert made some careful telescopic studies.

There were no spacecrafts back then, so telescopes were the best way to

observe the moon. It concluded that the lunar crater is so uniform that they had

to be the result of impact of falling bodies such as meteorites. I posted the

enlargements just some of the drawings on the board. If you compare them to

those in your text, you can see that his are amazingly accurate. Still, his

contemporaries rejected his work. 50 years later, a graduate student named

Wolf Baldwin reasserted Gilbert's species. He too met with resistance and he

left academics to run his family's machinery business. But he didn't give up his

research. He worked alone in his spare time, and eventually wrote an

influential book called "the face of the moon". A young geologist who read it

was so inspired that he persuaded NASA to incorporate geology into the Apollo

missions. Well, the Apollo missions eventually confirmed most of Baldwin's

ideas, which is astonishing, considering that he wasn't a professional scientist.
