《丑女贝蒂》精讲 95你不抛弃我 我就抛弃你吧(在线收听

Justin: Thanks for inviting me to have lunch with you.


It feels so good to have someone to talk to.


Betty: Trust me. I feel the same way.

相信我 我也这么觉得

Justin: It's been a rough week.


Remember last year when everyone was like change, yay.Obama change?

我还记得去年所有人都说变革万岁 奥巴马变革

This year change sucks.

今年 变得烂透了

Betty: Justin, I am so sorry that high school's been rough.

贾斯廷 我知道你的高中生活不好过

Trust me. I know exactly what that feels like.

相信我 我非常明白那是什么滋味

I wish I could do something to help.


Justin: Are you kidding? You're already doing it.

你开玩笑吗 你已经做了

I saw Heidi Klum on the way in.

我进来的时候看到了Heidi Klum

Betty: Oh, actually, that was Monica.


Justin: Don't ruin my moment. It was Heidi Klum.

别毁了我的兴致 那个是Heidi Klum

Betty: Heidi looks amazing.


Can you believe she's had three children?


Justin: I know.


Me-gan: Hey. Some of us are eating over there. Come join if you want.

嘿 我们几个人坐在那边 要不要一起进餐

Justin: Is that Meg-an?


Betty: Me-gan, yeah. But I'm having lunch with you.

是Meg-an 没错 但是我会和你一起吃午餐的

Justin: Are you kidding? You're so stupid.

你在开玩笑吗 还是你太蠢了

Why would you not go eat with them?


They're the popular table and you won't get a second invite.

她们才是受欢迎的那群人 而且你不会收到第二次邀请了

Betty: Justin, I am not abandoning you.

贾斯廷 我不会抛弃你的

Justin: Well, then I'm abandoning you. Bye.

那我抛弃你好了 拜拜
