《丑女贝蒂》精讲 122我永远是你们中的一员(在线收听

(D=Daniel W=Wilhelmina N=Nico L=Lexie C1=Cal C2=Clair)

D: Hey, Lexie.

嗨 Lexie

I'm gonna pop down to the cafeteria have lunch with my friend , Natalie.

我要和我朋友 Natalie去餐厅吃饭

L: I'm on the phone. What was it, you were saying?

我正打电话呢 你刚才说什么

D: Okay. Uh,anyway, I'll be back in an hour or so, okay?

好吧 我过一个小时左右回来 好吧

Sorry. My new boss——yabbering on about something.

不好意思 我的新老板 不知道在说什么

N: Mother, would you please take off your sunglasses? It's embarrassing.

老妈 你能把墨镜摘了吗 太丢人了

W: I can't believe you dragged me down here.


What kind of sad people eat in cafeterias?


C 1: Hello, hello! Wilhelmina.

Wilhelmina. 你好啊 你好啊

Well, well. Scooch over there a second, would you please? Thank you.

嗯 嗯 往那边挪一点好吗 谢谢

W: Well, Cal, Claire. What a nice surprise!This is my daughter, Nicol.

喔 Cal Claire真巧啊 这是我女儿Nicol

C 2: Hello, Nicol. It's nice to meet you, dear.

你好 妮可 很高兴认识你 亲爱的

C 1: Surprised to see you down here,Wilhelmina.

没想到会在这看到你 Wilhelmina

What are you eating among the commoners?


W: You're too funny. I would bust a rib if I hadn't had them all removed.

你太幽默了 和这群人在一起我坐立难安

C 1: Uh, could we talk business for just a minute?


C 2: We like the New York issue but we are a little concerned about sales.

我们喜欢你的纽约专题 不过我们有点担心销量

Now Cal has an idea. So try to keep an open mind about this.

现在Cal 有个想法 听听这个主意

W: Get on with it, you old bag.

接着扯 你这个死老太太

C 1: Well, uh, every book or movie I see these days is about Vampires.


It's just... it's a total cash cow.

它是 这绝对是个摇钱树

Now what if we put a vampire on the cover of Mode.


C 2: You've got to be kidding me.


So the New York theme becomes gothic Gotham.


Keep the fashion but give our cover girl some fangs. Worst idea ever.

还是要时尚 不过给封面女孩加上獠牙 史上最差想法

Oh, wait. It's my turn to talk.

哦 等一下 该我发言了

W: I love it!


C 1: You do?


C 2 :Oh, Cal and I thought we might get some push back from you on this.

哦 Cal 和我都以为这个想法你会不太同意

W: I know a great idea when I hear one.


Wilhelmina Slater is and will always be a team player.

