《再次出发之纽约遇见你》精讲 12格雷塔未获青睐(在线收听

Thank you, Gretta. Thanks very much. Thanks for coming in.

谢谢 格蕾塔 谢谢你能过来

I'm just gonna take a moment to talk with Dan for a minute.Thank you.

我有点话和丹说一下 谢谢

I'm not into it, it's a little undercooked for me.

我不太喜欢 我觉得她太业余了

She seems to have kind of an attitude problem and...


What are you looking for, man?

你要找的是什么 哥们

What, you want some... some little teenage pop star whose mom's been raising her since two years old for stardom?

怎么 难道你想找个唱流行的少年偶像 从小就当童星培养的那种

I mean... No, that's not what I'm looking for,but if you know someone like that, I mean...

难道... 不 我没想找那种 不过如果你认识...

Just give me the money to make the demo.I'll take her into the studio.

给我钱让我做个试音带 我会带她去录音棚

Get a hot-shit producer.Get a couple session musicians, dial the thing out.

给她找个当红的制作人 找几个录音师 做个小样出来

Then you can hear what I'm hearing,and then you can tell me to fuck myself.

等你听到首像样的歌 再让我滚也不迟

People send us their demos.It's not the other way around.

是别人给我们寄试音带 不是我们去找他们

We don't... we don't make demos.


We're prospectors, man, we're investors.We're digging for gold.

我们是发掘金子的 我们是做投资的 这就是在挖金子

Make a tape, and we'll get back to you.

你先把带子做出来 其他的以后再说

That's the best I can do right now, bro.

我只能做到这儿了 哥们
