《丑女贝蒂》精讲 217血缘之情难分难割(在线收听

It's like you never saw a wing before.


Look, it was nice meeting you.


But I'm getting out of here. My shift is up, so...

但我得走了 我下班时间到了

I should be going, too.


Take care and, um, give my best to your mother.

小心点 祝你妈妈一切安好

Sure. She's lucky to have you.

当然会的 她能有你这儿子真幸运

Well, you'll never guess what I'm getting you for Kwanzaa.


Ugh. Hold on. Call waiting.

等一会 有个电话

Hello? Amanda, I did it. I saw him. I talked to him.And now I'm done.

你好 阿曼达 我做到了 我看到了他 还说了话 我毫无遗憾了

So he knows who you are? No.And he's never going to.

他知道你是谁了 不知道 他永远都不会知道

Holy smoke! That lady just left me, like, 2 grand.

天呐 那位女士刚留给我2000美元

Someone thinks you're cute.

