时差N小时 被公婆排挤(在线收听

Dear Annie:


My husband's parents come to town every so often, but they never give us information about their schedule. They do, however, contact other family members. My husband thinks it's because they don't like me, but I have asked them directly and they insist they love us both.


The last time the in-laws were in town, we popped in where they were staying and took food and gifts. They were friendly enough, but they never said thanks for the gifts we brought. The next day, we stayed close to home in case they called, but they never did. However, they managed to see other family members.


This happens every time they visit and I'm sick of it. My husband always takes their side and says they are just busy. Frankly, the only time we hear from the in-laws is when they need something. I am feeling more resentful as time goes by. What do you suggest? - All Alone Here


Dear All Alone: You need to step back from your involvement. When you next hear your in-laws are coming, tell them they are welcome anytime, but don't change your schedule. If they want your company, they will call or e-mail. If your husband becomes upset, be sympathetic, but don't place blame. Expect nothing and you'll be less disappointed.

