美联社新闻一分钟 AP 金正恩胞妹否认美朝重启核谈判的可能(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


The Democrats' expansive voting rights bill faces a key test vote in the Senate on Tuesday. Republicans are united against the bill, meaning it's unlikely to reach the floor for a debate.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's sister is dismissing the possibility of resumed US-North Korean nuclear talks. Kim Jong Un had said the North should be ready for both dialogue and confrontation. A top White House official called that an 'interesting signal.'


Officials say a tornado that tore through suburban Chicago on Sunday night damaged more than 100 homes. Multiple injuries were reported but authorities in two towns say they believe nobody died.


The Trump Organization is suing New York City, for cancelling its contract to run a golf course in the Bronx. The city terminated the deal after Trump supporters attacked Capitol Hill on January 6th.

特朗普集团(Trump Organization)正在起诉纽约市,因其取消了在布朗克斯区(Bronx)管理一座高尔夫球场的合同。1月6日,特朗普的支持者袭击国会山后,该市终止了该合同。
