《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 46狠心的红皇后(在线收听

Bloody big head. I'm going to find that red queen and bring my family home.

那个狠心的大头 我一定要找到红皇后 把我的家人安全的带回家

Hello! What do you think, pets? Oh, dig, dig, dig. Work, work, work. Earthquake. Where the devil have you been? Where's Alice? Where's my chronosphere?

各位 感觉怎么样 小宠物 挖呀挖呀挖呀 忙呀忙呀忙呀 地震啦 你这死家伙哪里去了 爱丽丝在哪儿 超时空魔球在哪儿

She jumped into a looking glass. She's gone.

她跳到一个镜子里面去了 她逃跑了

What? You let her get away?

什么 你让她跑了

No. I must find her. Where is she?

不 我一定会找到她 她在哪儿

How should I know where she is?


Because she is your enemy.


She muttered... An utterance about... Hightopps.

不过我曾听她 念念叨叨地提到过什么 海托普家



She said she was going to rescue them. What could this mean?

她说要去救他们出来 这是什么意思
