《天才少女》精讲 07弗兰克与玛丽沟通(在线收听

For the record, I didn't wanna go to the stupid school in the first place

我要说明 我本来就不想上那个破学校

And the boy in the next row acts inappropriately for someone who's a child

我后排的男生行为不检点 没个孩子样

I'm sorry, I'm still passive aggressively ignoring you

抱歉 我还是要无视你

Other kids answer questions. They don't get into trouble

别的同学也回答问题了 没受处分啊

You didn't get in trouble for answering questions. You yelled at the principal

你受处分不是因为回答问题 是因为冲校长发脾气

You know what? You're gonna find this interesting

知道吗 你会觉得这个有意思

So I googled "first graders who yell at the principal" and statistically you're never gonna believe how many kids do it

我搜索了一下 一年级学生冲校长发脾气 你绝对想不到有多少学生这么干过

How many?




Frank, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry

弗兰克 我很抱歉 真的

Yeah, right


You can't show off like that at school. I know. You promised you wouldn't, then the first day.. I know, I know, I screwed up

你在学校里不能那么炫耀 我知道 你保证过不会 但你第一天就…我知道 是我的不对

Do you think maybe this boat needs a test ride?


Go get Fred


Don't run


Fred loves to watch the sandpipers


He thinks he'd like to catch one but he'd regret it

它想去抓一只 但它会后悔的
