《天才少女》精讲 58弗兰克的心声(在线收听

Just so damn entertaining and so I kept her

让我觉得好玩 我就留下了她

Not that that's in her best interest


Not that I'm capable of raising a child


A child that might still have a mother


if I had taken the time to notice that she needed me

她妈妈需要我 她也就能有妈妈了

And now six and a half years later

到现在 六年半之后

I finally got her to the foster family and you know what?

我终于把她送到了寄养家庭 你知道吗

It was great. She loved it

那家人很好 她也喜欢

I thought it would be a nightmare of abandonment and betrayal


But turns out it was a huge success


I'm a fucking hero. Frank

我成了英雄 弗兰克

No Bonnie. I appreciate everything you've done. Just...

不 邦妮 我感谢你做的一切 别…
