纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第33期:咀嚼马铃薯(在线收听

First, he prepares a raw potato by chewing it.

首先 他咀嚼了一个生马铃薯

I was expecting it to be similar to eating raw apple. But...

我期望它尝起来跟生苹果差不多 但...

Dr Martin Wickham Model Gut Project

马丁·维克汉姆博士 模拟内脏计划

It's a bit like...talcum powder.


First of all, we need to feed our model gut,

首先 我们需要给模拟内脏喂食

exactly the same material that our own stomachs get fed.


What we're doing is we're breaking down the food,

我现在所做的 就是嚼碎食物

from these large pieces into smaller pieces.


Now, in the world's most expensive gut,

现在 在全世界最贵的胃里

enzymes and acids, which naturally occur in our own stomach,

酶和胃酸 这些通常由胃自己产生的东西

will attempt to give the raw potato a workover.


After half an hour, Martin examines the result.

半小时后 马丁检查了结果

With the raw potato, what we can see here is

当实验对象是生马铃薯时 我们可以看到

that there's actually been very little mechanical breakdown.

