《权力的游戏》精讲 第8集:针锋相对(6)(在线收听

Sit. Lord Stark has been charged with treason.


They say he conspired with Robert's brothers to deny the throne to Prince Joffrey. I hope you're not thinking of doing anything stupid.


Your duty lies here now. My sisters were in King's Landing too. I'm sure they'll be


treated gently. Your father has proved to be an awful traitor, dear. King Robert's body was still warm


when Lord Eddard began plotting to steal Joffrey's rightful throne. He wouldn't do that. He knows how much I love Joffrey. He wouldn't.

艾德大人就密谋夺取乔佛里的王位.他绝不会做这种事.他知道我有多爱乔佛里. 他绝不会.

Please, Your Grace, there's been a mistake. Send for my father. He'll tell youthe King was his friend. Sansa sweetling, you are innocent of any wrong. We know that.

求求您, 王后陛下, 这一定是误会.找我父亲过来. 他会向您解释... 他是国王的朋友.亲爱的珊莎, 你是完全无辜的. 我们都明白.

Yet you are the daughter of a traitor. How can I allow you to marry my son? Pycelle: A child born of a traitor's seed


is no fit consort for our King. She is a sweet thing now, Your Grace, but in 10 years who knows

不适合陪伴我们的国王.眼下她是个可爱的好孩子, 陛下, 可十年以后谁知道...

what treasons she may hatch? No, I'm not. I'll be a good wife to him, you'll see. I'll be a Queen just like you, I promise. I won't hatch anything.

她会否同样犯下背叛罪行呢?不, 我不是. 我一定会成为他的好妻子.我会成为象您一样的好王后, 我保证. 我绝不会做任何错事.

The girl is innocent, Your Grace. She should be given a chance to prove her loyalty. Little dove, you must write to Lady Catelyn

这孩子是无辜的, 陛下.应该给她一个机会, 来证明她的忠诚.可爱的小鸽子, 你得写信给凯特琳夫人
