纪录片《节食还是截寿》 第13期:老化(在线收听) |
Some of the simplest ways of assessing ageing 评定衰老程度最简单的方法 don't need specialist equipment. 不需要用到特殊器材 Oh, this is good. 做得很好 Balance is controlled by your inner ear. 平衡功能由内耳决定 As you age, ear structures deteriorate 在你老化的同时 内耳结构也会衰老 and your balance gets worse. 而你的平衡性会随之降低 One more. 再来一次 You can test it by 你可以通过 standing on your weaker leg with your eyes closed. 闭上双眼 以非惯用腿单腿站立来测试 How long did I make? 我坚持了多久 6.59 seconds. Not very good. 6.59秒 不算太好 Not good at all. 一点也不好 The average 55-year-old should manage 8 seconds.' 五十五岁的人通常可以支撑八秒 You're down to... 你已经保持了... Yeah, you're doing well for the average 20-year-old. 在二十岁的人中你也算做得很好的 Over 30 seconds is what most 20-year-olds can manage, 多数大约二十岁的人可以支撑30秒 but it's one of those skills that drops off dramatically. 但这是一种会很快弱化的技能 I think you've proved a point. 你用实际行动说明你可没老 - You can stop. - You can stop, yes. -可以停了 -停下来吧 Another good test is reaction time, 另一个有效的方法是反应时间 which drops off with age.' 这也会随着年老而延长 Not good. Eight. 不算好 20厘米 This one only needs a ruler. 这次只需要一把尺子 At our age, you should be able to 在我们这个年龄 catch it around the five-inch mark. 应该可以在12厘米处抓住尺子 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/jlpjshsjs/532027.html |