《黑骏马》第8章 沙尔伯爵庄园(5)(在线收听

There was a gentleman called Blantyre staying at the Hall,who always rode Lizzie and was so pleased with her that Lady Anne wanted to try her.


I dont advise it,said Blantyre.Shes too easily fright-ened for a lady to ride.


My dear cousin,said Lady Anne,laughing,Ive been riding horses since I was a baby and have followed the hounds many times.Now,help me up.


So Blantyre helped her into the saddle,then climbed on me.Just as we were moving off,Lady Harriet asked for a message to be taken to Dr Ashley in the village.


The village was about two kilometres away,and the doctors house was the last one in it.Blantyre got off to open the gate for Lady Anne but she said,Ill wait here for you.


He went off and we waited.


There was a field with an open gate on the opposite side of the road,and at that moment some young horses came trotting out.


They were wild and excited,and there was a boy behind them,waving a large whip.Suddenly,one of the young horses ran across the road,and banged into Lizzies back legs.

