2021年CRI 全球新冠病例破2亿 拜登支持率下降(在线收听) |
The Chinese mainland reported 62 new, local COVID-19 infections yesterday. 昨天,中国内地报告新增新冠肺炎本土感染病例62例。 40 of them were detected in Jiangsu, nine in Hunan, three each in Beijing, Shandong, Henan and Yunnan, and one in Hubei. 江苏40例,湖南9例,北京、山东、河南、云南各3例,湖北1例。 Beijing has decided to cancel large-scale exhibitions and events scheduled this month. 北京决定取消原定于本月举行的大型展览和活动。 Public places such as parks, cinemas and libraries will limit the number of visitors and implement staggered shifts and reservation systems. 公园、电影院和图书馆等公共场所将限制游客数量,并实行错峰和预约制度。 The first round of citywide COVID-19 testing in Zhengzhou has been completed. 郑州市第一轮全员新冠检测工作完成。 Over 11 million samples have been collected as of Wednesday afternoon, and 99 confirmed and asymptomatic cases have been reported. 截至周三下午,累计采样人数超过1100万人,累计报告确诊病例及无症状感染者99例。 China has upgraded measures to contain the COVID resurgence as the highly contagious Delta variant has spread to several provinces and regions. 由于高传染性的“德尔塔”病毒已蔓延到多个省份和地区,中国升级了遏制新冠疫情复发的措施。 Data from Johns Hopkins University shows that global COVID-19 cases have surpassed 200 million, including over 4.2 million deaths. 约翰霍普金斯大学的数据显示,全球新冠肺炎病例已超过2亿例,其中死亡病例超过420万例。 The United States has reported more than 35 million cases, which is the highest count around the world and accounts for 18 percent of the global cases. 美国报告了超过3500万例病例,是世界上病例最多的国家,占全球病例的18%。 It has recorded over 610-thousand deaths, also the largest number in the world. 该国记录了超过61万例死亡病例,也是世界上死亡人数最多的国家。 India reported the second largest caseload worldwide, followed by Brazil. 印度报告的病例数居全球第二,其次是巴西。 The global caseload reached 100 million back in January. 今年1月,全球病例数量达到1亿例。 A poll shows that U.S. public views on President Joe Biden's handling of COVID-19 and the U.S. economy have declined. 一项民意调查显示,美国民众对乔·拜登总统应对新冠肺炎和美国经济的支持率有所下降。 The CNBC All-American Economic survey shows that Biden's approval rating on the handling of the coronavirus fell 9 points to 53 percent. CNBC全美经济调查显示,拜登在应对冠状病毒方面的支持率下降了9个百分点,至53%。 On dealing with the economy, the U.S. president's approval rating dropped two points to 42 percent. 在经济问题上,拜登的支持率下降了两个百分点,降至42%。 Myanmar has approved the appointment of Brunei's Haji Erywan as special envoy of ASEAN to Myanmar. 缅甸批准任命文莱的哈吉·艾瑞万为东盟驻缅甸特使。 The announcement was made in a joint communique of the latest ASEAN Foreign Ministers' meeting released on Wednesday. 这一声明在周三发表的最新东盟外长会议联合公报中宣布。 The decision to appoint a special envoy of ASEAN to Myanmar was agreed upon by leaders in their meeting held in late April. 4月下旬举行的东盟领导人会议商定任命一名东盟驻缅甸特使。 The special envoy will be tasked with facilitating a dialogue process involving all parties. 特使的任务是促进各方参与的对话进程。 At the Tokyo Olympics, China's pace in the medal hunt slowed down on Wednesday, but the country still tops the table with 32 golds. 在周三的东京奥运会上,中国的夺金速度有所放缓,但仍以32枚金牌位居榜首。 The only medal for Team China came from women's duet artistic swimming, as Huang Xuechen and Sun Wenyan won their second Olympic silver. 中国队唯一的奖牌来自花样游泳女子双人项目,黄雪辰和孙文雁获得了她们的第二枚奥运银牌。 Russian Olympic Committee duo Svetlana Romashina and Svetlana Kolesnichenko claimed the gold medal in the event. 代表俄罗斯奥运队出战的两位选手斯维特兰娜·科列什尼琴科和斯维特兰·罗马什娜获得金牌。 China still stands a chance for gold in the coming days as its ever-victorious table tennis players booked a final slot in both men's and women's team events. 中国仍有机会在未来几天获得金牌,因为中国乒乓球运动员在男子和女子团体赛中都进入了决赛。 A symposium has been held to discuss the significance of a TV program focused on the history of the Communist Party of China. 一场座谈会讨论了一部聚焦中国共产党历史的电视剧的重要意义。 The 24-episode production reveals how the Party has rallied and led the Chinese people over the past century to change the destiny of the nation. 该剧共24集,讲述了中国共产党在过去一个世纪团结带领中国人民改变国家命运的历程。 It has attracted over 1.3 billion views over the past two months. 过去两个月,该剧吸引了超过13亿人观看。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/crizggjgbdt2021/532218.html |