《权力的游戏》精讲 第10集:血火同源(23)(在线收听

Oh, you like picking on the little ones, do you? You know, i've been hammering an anvil these past 10 years. When I hit that steel, it sings.

你就喜欢欺负小个子 是吧要知道 我打铁有十年了我打铁的时候 铁会唱歌

Are you gonna sing when I hit you? This is castle-forged steel. Where'd you steal it?

我打你的时候 你会不会唱啊这是城里铁匠用精钢打的你从哪儿偷的

It was a gift. It don't matter now. Where we're going, they don't care what you've done. They've got rapers, pickpockets, highwaymen . Murderers.

别人送我的 无所谓了我们要去的地方 没人计较你的过去多得是强奸犯 小偷 强盗 杀人犯

Which are you? Armorer's apprentice. But my master got sick of me, so here I am.

那你呢 武器师傅的学徒师傅不想要我了就送我来这儿

Come on, you sorry sons of whores! It's a thousand leagues from here to the Wall and winter is coming!

出发 你们这群婊子养的从这儿到长城要赶上千里路而且凛冬将至

Ham. How many days in a row must a man be expected to start his day with ham?


Bring me some beer at least. You look exhausted. Was your moonlight ride that tiring?

