《神探夏洛克》精讲 321我可是孕妇(在线收听

'You've seen a lot of injuries, then? Violent deaths?'

那你一定见过很多伤口 惨死的尸体

'Enough for a lifetime.'   'Want to see some more?'

这辈子已经看够了      想再看多些吗?

'Oh, God, yes.'

上帝啊 好的

'The game is on.'


I know it's early. Really, I'm sorry.

最终誓言 我知道还很早 打扰你们真对不起

Is that Kate?     Yeah, it's Kate.

是凯特吗?      是凯特

Invite her in?


Er, sorry, yes, do you want to come in, Kate?

抱歉 好 快请进 凯特


It's hard.


There you go.        It's Isaac.

请用               是艾萨克

Oh, your husband?    Son.

哦 你老公?         儿子

Son, yeah.

对对 儿子

He's gone missing again. Didn't come home last night.

他又失踪了 昨晚没回家

The usual.


He's the drugs one, yeah?


Er, yeah, nicely put, John.

嗯 够委婉 约翰

But is it Sherlock Holmes you want? Because I've not seen him in ages.

你找夏洛克·福尔摩斯? 我们很久没联系了

About a month.    Who is Sherlock Holmes?

有一个月了       夏洛克·福尔摩斯是谁?

See, that does happen.

瞧 也有人不知道他呢

There's a place they all go to, him and his friends.


They all do whatever they do.

去那里 做那种事

Shoot up, whatever you call it.

扎一针 就这个叫法

Where is he?


It's a house, it's a dump. It's practically falling down.

一处废弃的空楼 快倒的危楼

No, the address? Where, exactly?

不 地址呢 那楼具体在哪里?

Seriously?     Why not?

你真要去?     当然

She's not going to the police, someone's got to get him.

她不肯报警 总得有人接他回来

Why you?


I'm being neighbourly.       Since when?

邻里情谊                 几时学会的?

Ha, since now. Since this exact minute.

现在开始 就从目前这秒

Why are you being so...?     What?

你干嘛这么...              怎样?

I don't know, what's the matter with you?

说不清 你到底怎么了?

There is NOTHING the matter with me.


Imagine I said that without shouting.   I'm trying.

请假装我这句没吼你               尽量吧

No, you can't come, you're pregnant.

你不能来 你可是孕妇

You can't go, I'm pregnant!

你不能去 我可是孕妇
