2021年经济学人 阿富汗资金源被切断,经济局势危机重重(在线收听) |
The world this week - Politics 本周国际要闻——政治 Having seized control of Afghanistan, the Taliban told women to stay at home, supposedly for their own safety. 在夺取了阿富汗的控制权后,塔利班要求女性待在家中,说是为了她们的安全。 America and other countries advised their citizens not to go to Kabul airport because of the imminent threat of a terrorist attack. 美国和其他国家建议本国公民不要去喀布尔机场,因为有恐怖袭击的威胁。 The Taliban warned that there would be “consequences” if American troops remained beyond the evacuation deadline of August 31st. 塔利班警告说,如果美军在8月31日的撤离最后期限之后继续驻扎,将会造成一定“后果”。 Ashraf Ghani, Afghanistan’s former president, turned up in the United Arab Emirates. 阿富汗前总统阿什拉夫·加尼现身阿联酋。 A group of fighters in the Panjshir Valley continued to resist the new regime. 庞吉夏河谷地的一群战士仍在抵抗新政权。 The World Bank suspended funding to Afghanistan, in part over concerns that the Taliban would interfere with development projects aimed at women. 世界银行暂停了对阿富汗的资助,部分原因是担心塔利班会妨碍针对妇女的发展项目。 The IMF has already halted payments to the country. 国际货币基金组织已停止向该国汇款。 America and other countries froze almost all of Afghanistan’s $9bn in foreign reserves. 美国和其他国家冻结了阿富汗几乎全部90亿美元的外汇储备。 Experts warned of a looming economic crash. 专家警告称,经济崩溃即将发生。 Ismail Sabri Yaakob was sworn in as Malaysia’s prime minister following the resignation of the unpopular Muhyiddin Yassin. 不得人心的穆希丁·亚辛辞职后,伊斯梅尔·萨布里·雅各布宣誓就任马来西亚总理。 Mr Ismail Sabri comes from the same circle of politicians who backed the previous government, which mishandled the pandemic. 伊斯梅尔·萨布里来自支持上届政府的政客圈子,而上届政府对疫情处理不当。 He was picked by Malaysia’s king, who wants him to face a vote of confidence in parliament. 他是由马来西亚国王挑选的,国王希望他接受议会的信任投票。 Joe Biden nominated Nicholas Burns to be his ambassador to China. 乔·拜登提名尼古拉斯·伯恩斯为他的驻华大使。 Mr Burns was appointed to a role in the State Department during the presidency of George W. Bush and is a former American ambassador to NATO. 伯恩斯在乔治·W·布什担任总统期间被任命为国务院官员,曾任美国驻北约大使。 Mr Biden also nominated Rahm Emanuel, a chief of staff under Barack Obama, as ambassador to Japan. 拜登还提名巴拉克·奥巴马政府的幕僚长拉姆·伊曼纽尔为驻日大使。 America’s Supreme Court overruled Mr Biden’s decision to allow asylum-seekers at the Mexican border into the United States while their cases are heard. 美国最高法院驳回了拜登允许墨西哥边境的寻求庇护者在案件审理期间进入美国的决定。 Mr Biden had suspended an order from Donald Trump that directed the asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico. 拜登中止了唐纳德·特朗普命令寻求庇护者在墨西哥等待的命令。 The court said the order must be reinstated, because Mr Biden’s action was probably “arbitrary and capricious”. 法院表示,该命令必须恢复,因为拜登的行为可能是“武断且任性的”。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/2021jjxr/534797.html |