《神探夏洛克》精讲 375视频通话(在线收听

Afternoon. He says you've got a good one, Greg?


Oh, yeah.


It was David Welsborough's 50th birthday.

天哪  50了

God, 50!


Where does it go?


I know for a fact I was only 21 this time last week.

那不可能  21岁你还没遇到我呢

Yeah, well that's impossible. That was before you met me.

不  不

Well, no, no,

-那段时间  -那段时间从不存在

- there never was... - "There never was such a time."


She's looking at me disapprovingly again.

不  她只是在嫉妒

No. She's just jealous.

也对  我想我们都是的

Yeah, well, I think we both are.

不行  大卫  拜托  你答应我了

No, no, David. Come on, you promised.

不  这是

No, it's...

不  是视频通话

Oh, no... Oh, it's a Skype call.

那一定是查理了  起码他给你打电话了

Then it must be Charlie. At least he's phoning, I suppose.

看呀  你好

Oh, look! Hello!

爸爸  生日快乐

'Hey, Dad. Happy birthday.


'Sorry to miss the party,

不过要行万里路  对不对

but travel broadens the mind, right?'

不行  卡住了

No! Picture's frozen!

信号太差了  不过我能听见你的声音

'Yeah, signal's rubbish. But I can still hear you.'

信号为什么这么差  你在哪里呢

Why is it rubbish? Where are you?

他怎么样  有没有好好吃饭

How is he? Is he eating?

-问他有没有好好吃饭  -等

- Ask him if he's eating. - No...

大卫  快来

David? Come on!

好  等一下  我找个安静的地方

OK, no, hang on a sec, I'll find somewhere quieter.

查理  你在哪呢

So, Charlie, where are you?


Are you there?

-抱歉  我在  只是有点  -你还好吗

- 'Sorry, I'm here. I'm just a bit...' - Are you all right?

-没事  可能是高原反应  -高原

- 'It's nothing. Probably just the altitude.' - Altitude?

我在西藏呢  你没看见群山吗

'I'm in Tibet. Didn't you see the mountains?'


Never mind mountains.


Your mother wants to know if you're eating properly.

-爸爸  你能帮我个忙吗  -什么

- 'Listen, Dad, could you do me a favour?' - What?

-能帮我去我车上看一下吗  -你的车

- 'Could you just check something on my car?' - Your car?

我打了个赌  这些人不相信

'To settle a bet. The guys here don't believe


'I've got a Power Ranger stuck to the bonnet.


'Could you take a photo and send it?'

没问题  这就发

Uh, yes, I can do that.
