新奇事件簿 乔治·克鲁尼对童工表示伤心(在线收听

The Oscar-winning actor and director George Clooney has spoken about allegations of child labour at the Nespresso coffee company, for which he is brand ambassador. Clooney is a member of Nespresso's sustainability advisory board, which aims to ensure coffee is sourced from ethical and sustainable suppliers. He said: "We knew it was a big project when it started seven years ago, and honestly I was surprised and saddened to see this story." An undercover investigation by the UK TV company Channel 4 filmed children on six coffee plantations in Guatemala picking coffee beans and carrying large sacks of coffee on their backs. The farms supply coffee beans to Nespresso.

奥斯卡获奖演员兼导演乔治·克鲁尼谈到了对Nespresso咖啡公司雇佣童工的指控,他是该公司的品牌大使。克鲁尼是Nespresso可持续发展咨询委员会的成员,该委员会旨在确保咖啡的来源符合道德和可持续发展的要求。他说道:“七年前,我们知道这是一个大项目,说实话,看到这次事件,我很惊讶,也很难过。”英国电视公司Channel 4的秘密调查拍摄下了在危地马拉的孩子们在6个咖啡种植园内采摘咖啡豆,背着大袋咖啡的画面。这些农场为Nespresso提供咖啡豆。

Mr Clooney has vowed that, "work will be done" by Nespresso to eradicate any forms of child labour within its operations. Clooney spoke about his own upbringing, living on a tobacco farm in the USA and picking tobacco during his school holidays. He said: "Having grown up working on a tobacco farm from the time I was 12, I'm uniquely aware of the complex issues regarding farming and child labour." Nespresso said it has launched a "thorough investigation" and has suspended all purchases from the plantations. It added: "Nespresso has zero tolerance of child labour. It is unacceptable. We will continue to do all we can to stamp out child labour. It has no place in our supply chain."

