时差N小时 你对静脉了解多少(下)(在线收听) |
Varicose veins in the legs occur when the valves in a vein near the surface of the skin malfunction. 当皮肤表面下的血管的阀门不起作用时,腿上的静脉曲张开始显现。 Valves usually keep blood from flowing backwards in the vein once it's been pumped towards the heart. 阀门的作用是防止有心脏送出的血液回流。 When the valves don't work properly, blood backs up the vein, causing it to swell and twisr. 当阀门不正常工作时,血液不能流动,导致血管膨胀和扭结。 Although varicose veins are usually associated with senior citizens, not every older person hasthem. 虽然静脉曲张多发生在老年人身上,但是不是每个老年人都患有这种病。 Weak valves are often inherited, and can also be caused by wearing clothing that squeezes the legs and veins too tightly. 脆弱的阀门通常是遗传的,或者身上的衣服把腿和血管勒的太紧导致的。 Varicose veins may seem unsightly, but they're not usually a cause for major concern. 静脉曲张是很难看的,但是它们通常不会引起强烈的关注。 If you have them and want to do something about it. 然而,如果你有这种病并想要治疗。 Treatments range from wearing strong support stockings to surgery. 治疗方法包括从穿修复性的长筒袜到做外科手术。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/scnxs/536865.html |