英语新闻听写 又出大事故 多国停飞波音飞机(在线收听


According to Business Insider, The crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET302 has raised alarm bells across the airline industry.

据“Business Insider”报道,埃塞俄比亚航空公司ET302航班的坠毁敲响了整个航空业的警钟。

The incident, which killed all 157 passengers and crew aboard the plane,


is the second catastrophic crash of a nearly brand-new Boeing 737 MAX airliner in four months.

这是四个月以来这款近乎全新的波音737 MAX大型客机发生的第二起灾难性坠毁事故。

Regulatory agencies in China, the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Ethiopia have all grounded the 737 MAXs operating within their jurisdiction.

中国、英国、澳大利亚、新加坡、印度尼西亚和埃塞俄比亚的监管机构全都暂停了737 MAX飞机在其领空内运行。

Airlines including Norwegian Air, AeroMexico, Jet Airways, and Gol have also grounded their MAX fleets.

