英语新闻听写 前科罗拉多州州长将竞选美国总统(在线收听


  • Reuters reports that former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper joined the growing field of Democratic presidential candidates on Monday,
  • 据《路透社》报道,周一,科罗拉多州州长约翰·希肯卢珀加入了日益壮大的民主党总统候选人阵营,
  • hoping to position himself as a centrist and an experienced office holder who is best poised to defeat President Donald Trump in 2020.
  • 他希望把自己定位成一位中间派和经验丰富的官员,最有可能在2020总统竞选中击败唐纳德·特朗普总统。
  • 67 year-old Hickenlooper will tout his business background in two terms in office during which Colorado's economy soared
  • 希肯卢珀现年67岁,他曾担任两届科罗拉多州州长,在他的任期内该州实现了经济腾飞,
  • and the state expanded health care and passed a gun control law.
  • 医疗保健实现了发展,枪支管理法得以通过。在竞选中他将以此标榜自己的商业背景。
  • The former governor who left office in January refused to air negative ads during his two gubernatorial campaigns,
  • 希肯卢珀于今年1月卸任州长,他拒绝在自己的两次州长竞选中播放负面广告,
  • a position his aides insist he will carry into his presidential bid.
  • 他的助手坚称,他将把这一职位纳入总统竞选。