英国新闻听力 2016年里约奥运会闭幕(在线收听

Police in Brazil have carried out new raids of premises linked to the Olympic Council of Ireland over allegations about illegal sale tickets.


Three people, whose passports have been confiscated, were asked to attend interviews of the local police station. No arrests were made.


Patrick Hickey, a senior Olympic official from Ireland, was earlier detained over the tickets sales.

来自爱尔兰的奥委会高级官员帕特里克·希基(Patrick Hickey)早些时候因为转售门票被拘留。

With the Olympics in their final day, the Kenyan Eliud Kipchoge has won the men's marathon, the closing ceremony starts in a few hours’ time and roads have already been blocked round the Maracana stadium.

里约奥运会最后一天,来自肯尼亚的基普乔格(Eliud Kipchoge)赢得了男子马拉松比赛冠军。几个小时后闭幕式将开始,马拉卡纳体育馆周围的道路已被封锁。

President Erdogan of Turkey says the suicide bomber who carried out Saturday's attack in Gaziantep was aged only between 12 and 14.


Mr. Erdogan believes that Islamic State militants probably ordered the bombing which killed at least 50 people at a Kurdish wedding.


Thirty six people have been hanged in Iraq in connection with the massacre carried out by Islamic State militants.


It involves the murder of up to 1700 army recruits in 2014, most of them are Shiite Muslims.


A dual suicide bomb attack by the Somali Islamist group al-Shabab has killed at least 15 people in central city of Galkayo.


It's the second attack in six months on a city which has previously escaped the worst of the violence which’s afflicted much of Somalia.


The prime minister of Singapore Li Sian Long has said his successor must be ready to take over from him after the next general election.


He made the comments not long after collapsing during a speech in the country's national day rally bringing the event to a temporary hot.


The Ukrainian authorities say a Russian opposition activist has requested asylum in the country.


Roman Roslovtsev crossed to Ukraine from Belarus early in the day. He told local television he was seeking asylum because of persecution by the Russian security service.

当天早些时候,罗斯洛泽夫(Roman Roslovtsev)从白俄罗斯入境乌克兰,他告诉当地电视台,由于受到俄罗斯安全局的迫害,他寻求政治庇护。
