英国新闻听力 平壤高级外交官叛逃韩国(在线收听

Tens of thousands of Yemenis have demonstrated in the capital Sana against recent airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition. The protesters are also showing support for new governing council declared by Shiite Houthi rebels who seized Sana last year. Eyewitnesses said many demonstrators fled in panic when the coalition carried out bombing raids on a mountain overlooking the presidential palace.

The president of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach has said the Rio Games have epitomized the spirit of the event. The Olympics, which end on Sunday, have been blighted by logistical troubles, empty seats and a lack of money. But Mr. Bach said the Brazilians had been great hosts.

The Turkish Prime Minister has outlined plans for his country to play a more active role in the search for a resolution to the war in Syria. Binali Yildirim said it was vital that its neighbor did not split along ethnic lines. Analysts say Ankara is concerned about Kurdish ambitions in the region affecting southeast Turkey.

Officials in Afghanistan say government forces have recaptured a strategic district in the northeastern province of Kunduz from the Taliban. Earlier troops had been forced to retreat to the provincial capital when insurgents took control of Khan Abad district.

Pyongyang has accused a high-ranking North Korean diplomat who recently defected to South Korea of a variety of crimes. North Korean media said the deputy ambassador to London Thae Yong Ho had been under investigation for embezzlement and selling state secrets. It described him as human scum.

The United States has expressed concern about prison sentences given to 20 people in Mauritania, 13 of whom are anti-slavery activists. The state department said it was dismayed by accusations that some had been subjected to abuse and torture and called for immediate investigation. They were arrested following riots in the capital in June.


国际奥委会主席马斯·巴赫(Thomas Bach)表示,里约奥运会集中体现了奥运精神。周日结束的奥运会遭到物流受阻,出席率低和资金短缺破坏。但是巴赫先生表示,巴西人是非常好的承办者。

土耳其总理概述了在寻找叙利亚战争解决方案方面发挥更积极作用的计划。比纳利·耶尔德勒姆(Binali Yildirim)表示,其邻国不要出现以民族为界限的分裂,这一点非常重要。分析家表示,安卡拉非常担忧库尔德在该地区的野心会影响土耳其东南部。


平壤方面指控最近叛逃韩国的一名朝鲜高级外交官一系列罪名。朝鲜媒体表示,驻伦敦副大使太勇浩(Thae Yong Ho)因挪用公款和出售国家机密正在接受调查。媒体称他是一个人渣。

