英国新闻听力 iPhone销量将首次下滑(在线收听

The world tennis authorities have announced an independent review into the effectiveness of anti-corruption practices in the sport. The announcement was made at the Australian Open. It follows an investigation by the BBC and the website BuzzFeed News which found that 16 players ranked within the top 50 had been repeatedly flagged up to the sport’s watchdog - the Tennis Integrity Unit over suspicions they had thrown matches. President of the Association of Tennis Professionals Chris Kermode said the aim of the investigation was to restore public confidence in the sport. All of us believe that with everything in the news and the serious allegations that had been thrown at our sport, the last thing anyone wants is another sports body investigating itself, and which is why we have taken this very bold step to commission a completely independent review. And the most important point is that we have committed to act on every recommendation.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of encouraging terrorism after he said it was human nature for the Palestinians to react to occupation. Mr.Ban criticized Israel's plans for new settlements in the West Bank as provocative acts that cast doubt on its commitment to a two-state solution. Mick Bryan has more. It's Israel's settlement building that's particularly angered the UN Secretary General, and the government's latest decision to approve plans for over 150 new homes in the West Bank, a move that most of the international community regards as illegal or illegitimate. Addressing the UN Security Council, Ban Ki-moon demanded a freeze in settlement activity. In response, the Israeli Prime Minister said the UN had lost its neutrality a long time ago.

The technology giant Apple has reported lower-than-expected sales of iPhones in the last quarter thanks in part to the economic slowdown in China. Sales grew at the slowest rate since the device was launched in 2007. Apple's profits, nonetheless, rose for the quarter to more than 18 billion dollars. Rory Cellan-Jones reports. At first sight, Apple has delivered another great set of results with record quarterly profits and revenue. But concerns will center on sales of the iPhone, the product which has transformed the computer maker into the world’s most valuable business. As for the coming month, Apple is forecasting the first falling revenues since the iPhone’s launch. If sales of the product which accounts for 2/3 of its revenue have peaked, the pressure to unveil something that can replace it will increase.

The Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen has defended a controversial new law aimed at deterring refugees as the most misunderstood bill in Denmark’s history. The legislation allows government authorities to seize valuables worth more than 1450 dollars from asylum seekers. You are listening to the World News from the BBC.

A coalition of Syrian rebel and opposition groups has said it will decide on Wednesday whether to attend peace talks in Geneva. The coalition backed by Saudi Arabia has been pressing for an end to the bombardment and siege of civilian areas before any negotiations with President Assad's government. UN efforts to convene the talks come as Syrian government forces have been making advances on the battle field with the support of Russian airstrikes.

The Greek Immigration Minister Ioannis Mouzalas has hit back at criticism from other EU members who say Greece is not doing enough to tackle the influx of migrants and refugees. Mr. Mouzalas told the BBC Belgium had suggested Greece turn back migrant boats even if that meant more people would drown. And he rejected a proposal that Greece construct large camps for migrants. The only period of history in which there were camps for 400,000 prisoners. It was the period of Nazi. And the refugees are not prisoners. They have rights. I don’t want to be a part of this blame game. Greece wants to be part of the solution. To act in Europe in a unilateral way is something that's not Europe.

Six police officers in the American state of Ohio have lost their jobs as a result of their involvement in the shooting dead of two unarmed African Americans after a high-speed car chase in 2012. Those dismissed include Michael Brelo who fired the final shots of a barrage of 137 rounds standing on the bonnet of the victim's car. He was acquitted of manslaughter in May.

The American character actor Abe Vigoda who was best known for his role in the 1972 film The Godfather is dead. He was 94. Abe Vigoda's leathery face, sunken eyes, and dead-pan delivery helped land him the role of the doomed gangster, Salvatore Tessio, in The Godfather. BBC news.

世界网球管理机构宣布对网球反贪组织进行独立审查。此项决议已在澳网宣布。之前,英国广播公司和美国BuzzFeed News发布调查报告,因涉嫌打假球,16名世界排名前50球员曾多次在“网球案件侦察处”备案。国际职业网球联合会主席克里斯·克默德表示,调查目的是要重新拾回公众对网球的信心。关于所有假球指控,我们所希望的就是建立独立调查小组,这也就是我们要进行独立审查的原因。并根据各个提议采取行动。







