英国新闻听力 俄罗斯运动员广泛使用兴奋剂(在线收听

The head of Russia's Anti-doping Laboratory Grigory Rodchenkov has resigned a day after a report by the World Anti-doping Agency accused Russia of widespread cheating in athletics.Russia's Sports Minister said Mr. Rodchenkov was standing down to take all negativity away with him. Speaking to the BBC, the head of Russia's Athletics Federation Mihayev Gudolf acknowledged there was a problem but it was what he called a mentality problem at coaching level. “We know our problem. We know our problem with doping. And of course we should change mentality of many coaches,especially coaches in the regions. We started in April. We organized some educational programs. We met with a lot of coaches, with a lot of athletes.It's impossible to do immediately, to change immediately. But we started to do it.”

The former head of World Athletics Lamine Diack who's been investigated in France over allegations of corruption and money laundering has been provisionally suspended by the international Olympics Committee. He was an honorary member.

Syrian government forces have ended a 2-year siege by Islamic State militants at the key military airbase in the northern province of Aleppo. An army relief colonel pushed through IS lines and linked up with comrades who have been trapped in the Kuwairis base. State television has shown jubilant soldiers pouring into the area. Analysts say the lifting of the siege constitutes a first significant victory of the government side since Russia stepped in andbegan supporting it with air power.

Prosecutors in the United States have charged two Israelis and one American with what's been described as the largest cyber-attack on financial firms in US history. The men are accused of manipulating share prices, money-laundering and computer-hacking. James Cook reports.

“Prosecutors say Gery Shalon who's 31 years old founded and led a sprawling cyber-criminal enterprise with hundreds of employees in more than a dozen countries. His gang is accused of stealing personal information from more than 100 million customers including 83 million of the banking giant JP Morgan Chase. They allegedly use the stolen emails,addresses and telephone numbers to promote companies' stock they had bought cheaply driving up the price before dumping it for vast profits.”

Eight US presidential hopefuls aiming to become the Republican Party's candidates next year are preparing to do battle in Milwaukee shortly in the latest televised presidential debate. Two men from outside the political establishment businessman Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson are currently leading in the polls. This time the debate is chaired by Fox News. Our correspondent Nick Bryant is in Milwaukee.

“This is Fox News's business channel. They're saying they wanna keep it on the economy. This's a pretty serious naughty question as Jerry Bader is there from the Wall Street Journal impeccable journalist and pedigree kind of for the BBC initially. So we're expecting it a bit more of serious-minded debate tonight.”

World news from the BBC.

The leader of Colombia's largest armed rebel group the FARC has said he had ordered the organization to stop buying new guns and ammunition in September.Rodrigo Londono Echeverri posted a message on Twitter saying the FARC wanted to show its commitment to scaling down the conflict with the Colombia army whichhas begun since the 1960s. The left-wing group and the Colombian governmenthave been engaged in peace talks for nearly three years.

The United Nations says Burundi's political violence is threatening to spiral into a large scale ethnic conflict, similar to that which occurred in neighboring Rwanda in 1994, prompting a genocide in which hundreds of thousands died. But a senior UN human rights official Scott Campbell warned that the UN is today in an even worse position to prevent slaughter. “We actually had United Nations' peace-keeping operation on the ground mandated in Rwanda at the timethe genocide took place. And in Burundi today, we have nothing at all in terms of a political presence or peace-keeping presence.”

Portugal's minority center-right government has been toppled just two weeks after taking power. A coalition of left wing parties voted down the administration's economic program promoting its collapse. This could pave theway for a new anti-austerity government led by the Socialist Party which has promised to increase public spending. Portugal was one of the countries hardest hit by the crisis in the Eurozone accepting an international bailout in exchange for sweeping cuts.

A popular tourist attraction in the United States made up of around a million pieces of bubble gum will soon be a thing of the past. Officials at Pike Place Market in the city of Seattle are blasting the city's famous gum wall with powerful steam cleaners getting rid of a 20 years worth of accumulated goo because they say it attracts rats. People first began sticking there come to the wall while waiting for shows at a nearby theater. It's expected to take three days to clean off the estimated 1000 kilos of gum.

世界反兴奋剂机构一份报告指控俄罗斯运动员中广泛存在作弊现象一天之后,俄罗斯反兴奋剂实验室负责人格里高利·罗德其科夫博士(Grigory Rodchenkov)辞职。俄罗斯体育部长表示,罗德其科夫辞职是为了自己承担一切负面影响。接受BBC采访时,俄罗斯运动员联盟主席Mihayev Gudolf承认确实存在这个问题,但是这是他所说的教练层面的思想问题。“我们知道我们的问题。我们知道我们在兴奋剂方面的问题。当然我们需要改变许多教练的思想问题,尤其是许多地区的教练。我们从四月份就开始了。我们组织了一些教育项目。我们约见了许多教练,许多运动员。立即做出改变是不可能的。但是我们已经开始了。”

正在法国因贪腐和洗钱指控接受调查的前国际田联主席拉米·迪亚克(Lamine Diack)被国际奥委会暂时停职。他是一位名誉会员。


美国检控人员控告两名以色列人和一名美国人对一些金融公司发动了美国历史上最大型的网络攻击。这些人被指控操控股价,洗钱和入侵电脑。James Cook报道。

“检控人员表示,31岁的Gery Shalon创立并领导一家无计划发展的网络犯罪公司,拥有数百名雇员,在十几个国家活动。他的犯罪团伙被指控从超过1亿客户电脑中窃取个人信息,其中包括银行业巨头摩根大通的8300万客户资料。他们被指利用窃取的电子邮件,地址和电话号码来抬升他们低价购买的股票的价格,推动价格上涨,然后再抛售,以赚取巨大利益。”

旨在明年成为共和党候选人的8名美国总统种子选手正准备在最近的密尔沃基电视总统辩论中大战一场。来自政治圈子以外的商人唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和退休神经外科医生本·卡森(Ben Carson)暂时在民意调查中领先。这次的辩论由福克斯新闻主持。我们的通讯员Nick Bryant就在密尔沃基。

“这里是福克斯新闻商业频道。他们说希望辩论围绕经济进行。这是个非常严肃,非常棘手的问题,因为Jerry Bader是来自华尔街时报的无可挑剔的记者,而且最初出身于BBC。所以我们期待今晚有一场更加思想缜密的辩论。”


哥伦比亚最大的武装反叛组织FARC头目表示,他已下令该组织9月份停止购买新的枪支和弹药。隆多尼欧(Rodrigo Londono)在社交网站推特上发表了一条信息,称FARC希望表明减少与哥伦比亚军队冲突的决心。双方冲突自上世纪60年代已经开始。该左翼组织和哥伦比亚政府近三年来一直进行和平谈判。

联合国表示,布隆迪的政治暴力正面临升级为更大规模的种族冲突的威胁,类似邻国卢旺达1994年发生的状况,导致种族大屠杀,成千上万的人死亡。但是联合国人权部门高级官员Scott Campbell警告称,现在联合国在预防大屠杀方面条件更差。“当时的种族大屠杀发生时,我们实际上命令卢旺达的联合国维和部队采取行动。今天,在布隆迪,在政治和维和方面,我们一无所有。”


